Downtown is a mature animated series produced, and broadcast by MTV from August 3, 1999 to the 8th of November. The series, like most animated series produced by MTV, only lasted one season spanning 13 twenty minute episodes.
The series follows a diverse cast of New Yorkers living their lives, and encountering rather quirky situations. The show presents the characters as having often diverse, and imaginative perspectives. It also explores the life of Alex the protagonist.
Main Characters[]
- Alex Hensen
- Chaka Hensen
- Fruity
- Goat
- Jen
- Matt
- Mecca
- Serena
- Leah
Related Works[]
Downtown has no direct successor, however it is related to one other animated series by way of Goat. Goat appears in Megas XLR, now living in New Jersey as owner of a Junkyard with voice actor Scott Reinecker reprising his role.
Voice Cast[1][]
- Gregory Gilmore as Alex Hensen
- Leyora Zuberman as Chaka Hensen
- Marco H. Rodriguez as Fruity
- Scot Rienecker as Scott ("Goat")
- Tammy Lang as Jen
- Hector Fontanez as Matt
- Aurora Lucia-Levey as Mecca
- Phoebe Summersquash as Serena
- Rosanna Plasencia as Leah
- Sin Bin
- Train Pain
- Hot Spot
- Insomnia
- The Con
- Graffiti
- Hotel Bar
- Limo
- Testing
- Night Shift
- Before and After
- Cropsey Clanners
- Trip Or Treat
Downtown uses an original score by Kimson Albert[2][3].