George Shrinks is an animated series produced in China by Jade Animation, and in Canada by Nelvana in assocaition with PBS. The series ran one season, and 40 episodes, from September 30, 2000 to December 1, 2001. The series was inspired by a William Joyce's childrens' book that carries the same name.
George is a ten year old boy who wakes up one morning to find himself only three inches tall. The series follows him, his friends, and family on various mundane events that become adventurious undertakings due to his size. Thankfully he has the inventions of his father, and the help of his best friend Becky, as well as his own keen mind, to aid him.
The series carries a bit of a 1940s feel to it, though it's hinted via dialogue that the show takes place in the 2000s.
Main Characters[]
- George Shrinks - George is ten years old, and woke one day to find him self "the size of a mouse." He, like his father, is rather inventive, creating various devices to aid in everyday tasks. He is best friends with Becky, the girl who lives next door.
- Junior Shrinks - George's toddler brother. George tries to play with him, but due to the size differences this often leads to some accidents, which George always ends up forgiving Junior for. George often gets his borther to help him.
- Becky Lopez - George's best friend, the Shrinks trust her to look after the boys every now, and then. Thus the two tend to have some interesting adventures. She's captain of a local hockey team.
- "Mom" Perdita Shrinks - Perdita is George's mother, and a freelance artist by trade who builds, sculpts and welds with a very abstract style. She is a member of the town's art committee, and is into organic foods. Perdita is also very supportive of the projects that the family and kids work on, and she enjoys helping out in the community.
- "Dad" Harold Shrinks - Harold is George's father, who is a bit eccentric, and likes to invent new instruments. He plays Jazz music, and is over all a good father.
Broadcast History[]
- PBS (2000-01)
- TVO (2000)
- NHK (2000)
- Spacetoon (2011-)
The series was animated in both Canada, and China.