Animation and Cartoons Wiki
Sahara french poster

Sahara is a 2017 CGI animated French-Canadian feature film.



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The animation opens with a sandstorm in the middle of a desert. The view pans to the right as the title appears. Eventually the view settles upon a camel and two desert travelers taking shelter beneath an outcropping of rock. Upon the camel's back are baskets of melons. In one slithers the film's protagonist, Ajar. Ajar informs his scorpion associate to catch the melon when it falls and proceeds to attempt to dislodge the melon from the basket. -you can help the wiki by expanding this-

Notes on the Setting[]

The narrative takes place on Earth (specifically North Africa) though one that operates on a different logic then our own. Snakes for example are capable of surviving on a fruit based diet and have prehensile tails. Due to this capacity for a fruit based diet the snakes of this world have flatter teeth with canines that like the fangs of snakes from our Earth are capable of delivering a venom (though it may or may not be lethal given how venom is treated in regards to the scorpion characters). A skeleton of a snake in mid pursuit of prey indicates in line with this jaw structure that snakes are Omnivores making a vegetarian diet a conscious choice on the part of some characters. The narrative takes place in four locations here listed in order of appearance; the Sahara Desert, Ajar's Home (the Crag Community), Oasis, and S-note:find name of town-. The location of France is referenced but never visited.


Oasis is a closed community consisting of Herons and Green Snakes. The Green Snakes of Oasis live in relaxation with life revolving around the various families working through social events to become the most influential in the community. The Herons serve as law enforcement officers and border security keeping all 'Dusties'; that is people from the desert- from entering Oasis and the people of Oasis from wandering into the dangerous desert. Green Snakes who wander out of Oasis are returned to it by the Herons while all Dusties are killed to further dissuade entry. Oasis is located close to a Human settlement with a river nearby. The character of Gary, Eva's sister, likely learned of Human culture from this proximity though no indication is given that Gary ever tried to leave Oasis.

Temporal Setting[]




Viewing Links[]

Official French Trailer

Source Citation[]
