Animation and Cartoons Wiki
The Land Before Time poster

The Land Before Time is a 1988 animated feature directed by Don Bluth, and produced by both George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg. Set in the time of the Dinosaurs the story follows a young long neck (brontosaurus), named Little Foot who, now alone in the world, must travel with others who where separated during the great migration if they are to find the Great Valley, a safe haven, and again be reunited with their loved ones. The film has a run time of 69 minutes, and was released to theaters with a G rating on November 18.




  • Littlefoot - Gabriel Damon


  • Director: Don Bluth

Viewing Link[]

The Land Before Time (Full English)

Related Works[]

The direct sequel to this film is The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure which is the second of a fourteen film series. The franchise it's self has been so prolific as to spawn it's own TV show under the same name.


